- Vashon Island High School
- Rules of Use
- No metal cleats are allowed on the track or field
- No food or drink (except water) is allowed on the track or field
- No dogs, pets or animals are allowed in the Stadium
- No chewing gum or sunflower seeds are allowed in the Stadium
- No chairs or lawn-chairs are allowed on the track or field
- No glass bottles or containers are allowed in the Stadium
- No bikes, trikes, rollerblades, or skateboards or are allowed in the stadium.
- No strollers or rolling carts are allowed on the track or field
- The track and field are closed during scheduled field use
- No vehicular access of any kind is allowed in the stadium
Rules must be followed at all times. Failure to do so may result in the immediate cancellation of the team or individual’s access and re-evaluation of all subsequent requests.
To report an issue, please call the VISD Director of Facilities at 206-200-3305. To arrange for team use, please contact Vashon Park District at 206.463-9602.