Welcome to Kindergarten!

  • If your child is ready to enter kindergarten in the fall, here is where you can find more information about that process.  To be eligible to enter kindergarten, children must turn 5 years old by August 31st.  If you want your child to enter kindergarten, but their 5-year birthday falls September 1st or later, you can find more information here about Early Entrance.

    Registration Process:

    Our registration form for 2025-26 is available now.  The form will require you to upload some documents, and you will want to have those in digital format before starting.

  • Kindergarten Info Night - March 6th at 5:30pm

    Parents are invited to join us (no students for this event, they will have other opportunities to visit the school) to 

    • Get answers to the most common questions and your questions:
      • What does a typical day look like in Kindergarten?
      • What can I do to help my child be ready for Kindergarten?
      • What do I need to do to register and be ready for enrollment?
    • Meet teachers and other support staff
    • Tour the building

    K info night poster 3/6/25 at 5:30pm