• Chautauqua ASB Fee:

    Your child’s $50 ASB Fee covers admission costs and transportation for every field trip.   It also covers many student activities and events such as assemblies, recess equipment, clubs, field day and more!  Vashon PTO and ASB will be funding yearbooks for EVERY student, Pre-K through 5th Grade!   Your ASB fee helps to cover costs for those who cannot pay.

    Our ASB fund’s only source of revenue is from this fee.  We strongly encourage all families who are able to pay the fee to do so at the start of the year to ensure all these student-centered activities are available.  Additional donations are always welcome to cover expenses for students whose families cannot pay.  Families who qualify for Free and Reduced Lunch and complete the Consent to Share Form for the new school year, are exempt from the fee and do not need to pay anything.  All benefits will still be provided!


    After logging in, select your student, ASB fees have been assigned to your student.  You can check out to complete your transaction.

    Registration Update:

    Make sure your child’s information is up to date by logging into Skyward Family Access. If you need assistance, email Caleb Johns at cjohns@vashonsd.org

    Parent Partnership

    Chautauqua Elementary is fortunate to have high quality staff members who bring their talents and positive presence into your children’s lives each day. This staff truly cares that every child reaches his/her full potential, and they consistently demonstrate their commitment to children.  We invite you to be our partners in support of your child’s academic skills at home and in our school. Ways to show your child that education is important to you are:

    1. Read with your child each day.
    2. Provide a quiet place to study and/or read each afternoon or evening.
    3. Make sure your child attends school every day, and arrives on time. Lost time/information cannot be made up, so attendance is extremely important for your child’s success in school and in life.
    4. Meet with your child’s teacher at curriculum night, conferences and when you have questions or concerns. The partnership you form with your child’s teacher will strengthen your child’s opportunity to be a successful learner.

    I invite you and your friends to be regular participants in our school. Parent and community involvement is essential for school success. Some ways to participate are:

    • Volunteer in your child’s classroom or in the school at large.
    • Become a member of and involved in our PTO