
    If you are enrolling your student for next school year (2025-26) you can sign up for one of our tours. This is ideal for new Non-Resident applicants or students new to our school in 1st-5th grades.  There will be other opportunities for our next year entering Kindergarten students that are more specific to being a kindergarten student.

    Applications for non-resident students will be accepted for the 2025-26 school year beginning January 1st, 2025.  Applications received by January 15 receive first consideration for space available. Families will be notified beginning March 2nd, 2025 whether their application was accepted, waitlisted (accepted pending space), or denied. The notification process may take several weeks. All applications are considered equally for admission based on:

    •     Academic/Attendance/Discipline records and
    •     Program and/or space availability

    Non-Residents are required to complete the Non-Resident Application and the Choice Transfer Form (from their resident district where they live) each year.  Here is a document with directions on how to complete your Choice Transfer Request.

    Current Non-Resident students must reapply each year and are given first priority for continuing enrollment as long as they are in good standing with regard to academics, attendance, and behavior.  Current students must re-apply by February 1st in order to receive first consideration for continuing enrollment. Families will be notified beginning March 2, 2024 whether their application was accepted, waitlisted (accepted pending space), or denied.

    NEW Non-Residents are required to submit (in addition to the above 2 forms):

    • Attendance Records from previous school
    • Discipline Records from previous school
    • Report Cards (past 3 years or as many as applicable) from previous school
    • If coming from a private school, additional paperwork may be required

    Upon notification of acceptance for enrollment at CES, NEW families must complete registration.  Your student’s enrollment will not be finalized until all steps have been completed.

    Families who decide to “decline” an offer of enrollment are asked to notify the school office immediately so that offers can be made to other applicants.

    Please contact our office if you have any questions about registration for next year, at 206-463-8540 or email our Registrar, Caleb Johns