- Chautauqua Elementary School
- Dismissal
For Parents
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If you want your child to follow a different after school plan than the default, you must enter these changes in School Dismissal Manager. That information is provided to teachers and bus drivers. This is required for any change to the default listed in SDM.
You can submit changes for the following:
- One time exception for pick-up, walking or bus.
- Recurring changes (example: every Monday to a stop - end date required) - If you wish to make a recurring change for every week that is for 4 or 5 days in the week for the entire school year, please check in with the office to consider having your student's default stop changed
All changes for students must be submitted by 2:45pm on regular school days.
On the Early Release days, submit changes by 11:15am.
Car Line
We ask that parents make a sign to display in the driver-side window that lists their child's name, grade and teacher. This will help expedite getting your student into your car and keep the line moving smoothly.
Creating & Canceling Exceptions
Entering a Single-Day Exception
In your two-week calendar, click on the day that you wish to create an exception (for future dates click the Future Date button at left below the calendar). Next to the child you are creating an exception for, select the exception from the dropdown options and then click Update Schedule; a note may be required. Note: You may select an exception for each of your children before clicking on Update Schedule to create the exception(s).
Creating a Recurring Exception
For example: one that occurs every Monday and Wednesday for six weeks. Click on Recurring Dismissals in the top menu. Select the student's name and then select the dismissal instruction from the dropdown options. Next, select which days of the week the dismissal instruction will occur (you may select up to three days). Last, set a date range and click Schedule Recurring Dismissal Instruction. Note: You can only create recurring dismissals for one child at a time.
Canceling a Single Exception
Click on the day you are canceling an exception. To the right of each exception is a Cancel Exception button. Click the button for each exception you wish to cancel and then click Done in the bottom right.
Canceling Recurring Exceptions
Click on Recurring Dismissals in the menu and select the student's name. Then click on Click Here to Delete All Existing Recurring Dismissal Instructions and Reset to Default Value for this Student. Note: This will cancel ALL recurring dismissals that have been set for this student. To cancel a single day within a Recurring set, refer to above.
Overview of School Dismissal Manager
FastLane - Parent Pick-up