Clubes y Actividades Formulario de Inscripcion
Clubs and Activities Enrollment Form - Clubes y Actividades SPANISH.pdf 88.45 KB (Last Modified on April 11, 2023)
Absence Reporting Online
The Absence Form can be completed online at this link. If you prefer to complete a paper form, one can be picked up in the office. Absence forms for consecutive days that are NOT for medical reasons must be received by the office at least three school days prior to the absence in order to be excused.
Technology Forms
All District Technology forms can be found at
VISD Informational Documents
- Building Use Agreement
- Descriptive Guide to Federal and State Regulations
Annually, each school district in the State of Washington has an obligation and is required by law to publish a “DESCRIPTIVE GUIDE”, which is to be made available for examination by the public. In an attempt to make the data readily available to the public at large, our district has published information on its web site. This information is provided to meet State requirements. (Reference RCW 28A.150.230 and RCW 28A.320.090) - Enrollment Options In Washington State
Overview from WA State OSPI regarding all K-12 options available to students. - Harassment, Bullying and Intimidation Reporting Form
- Prohibition of Harassment, Bullying and Intimidation
Sideline Sports Store - McMurray spirit wear
Medical and Health Related Forms
- Patient Consent Form
- Certificate of Immunization Exemption
- Health History
- Immunization Status
- Medication Administration Authorizatio
- Requisitos de inmunización escolar - Esp
- School Immunization Requirements - English
- Neighborcare Health Center Registration Packet
- Student Accident and Sickness Insurance
- Accidente estudiantil y Seguro de enfermedad de enferm