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August 26, 2022 - New COVID-19 Guidance for Fall 2022
Dear Vashon Parents and Families,
I am writing to share new information from the State Department of Health about COVID-19 health and safety guidance for schools this fall.
Washington state updated its COVID-19 school and child care guidance on August 5, 2022. Following these safety measures reduces the spread of COVID-19. This letter explains how the updated guidance impacts your family and the community.
Health and Safety Requirements for this Fall:
- Students and staff who show symptoms of COVID-19 are required to stay home, and should get tested for COVID-19.
- Students and staff who test positive for COVID-19 are required to isolate at home for 5 additional days after testing positive or onset of symptoms. If symptoms improve and they have had no fever for the past 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications, students and staff can come back to school.
- Students and staff returning to school after isolation should wear a well-fitted mask from days 6 to 10. Individuals returning to school from isolation should also remain masked for sports and other extracurricular activities.
- Re-testing is not required for return to school if symptoms improve and they have had no fever for the past 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications and have been isolated at home for 5 days. If families and/or staff choose to re-test, students and staff who test positive after 5 days of isolation must stay at home for the full 10-day isolation period.
- Schools must inform students, families, and staff when there are cases or outbreaks in school. Schools are no longer required to directly notify high risk students or staff. We will continue to communicate cases to families by the district data dashboard. Any outbreaks will be reported to families by letter and reported to PHSKC.
These requirements are in place for all public and private K-12 schools and child care facilities in Washington state. Schools and child care facilities are required by state law to follow these guidelines.
To reduce the spread of COVID-19, Vashon Island School District offers free COVID-19 testing for staff and students at school. You can find more information about this program at our district website.
COVID-19 vaccinations remain the best protection for everyone against hospitalization and severe disease from COVID-19. The COVID-19 vaccine is now available for children 6 months and older. Booster doses are also available for children 5 years and older. You are encouraged to vaccinate your children if they are eligible, in consultation with your healthcare provider.
You can reach us:
District COVID-19 Coordinator
Slade McSheehy - smcsheehy@vashonsd.org
School COVID-19 Coordinator(s)
Danny Rock - drock@vashonsd.org
Greg Allison - gallison@vashonsd.org
Rebecca Goertzel - rgoertzel@vashonsd.org
COVID-19 Testing Coordinators
Lara McKnight - lmcknight@vashonsd.org
Dr. Slade McSheehy
March 1, 2022 - Public Health-Seattle King County Mask Requirement Update
Hello Vashon Families,
Yesterday, Gov. Jay Inslee announced that Washington state is lifting its indoor mask mandate on March 12 and not March 21. The masking requirements will be lifted at 11:59 p.m. on March 11 and come as a result of the latest guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released last week. In addition, Public Health Seattle King County (PHSKC) announced that it would be ending its mask mandate at 11:59 p.m. on March 11 and “not be extending a local mask order for schools beyond the state’s order.”
Inslee said in a statement, “We’ve continued to monitor data from our state Department of Health (DOH), and have determined we are able to adjust the timing of our statewide mask requirement. While this represents another step forward for Washingtonians, we must still be mindful that many within our communities remain vulnerable. Many businesses and families will continue choosing to wear masks because we’ve learned how effective they are at keeping one another safe. As we transition to this next phase, we will continue to move forward together carefully and cautiously," Inslee said in a statement
Until March 12th, masks will continue to be required for all students, staff, and visitors in all Vashon Island School District buildings.
Students will have the choice to wear a mask at school, with the expectation that others’ choices will be respected. One should not make assumptions regarding someone’s beliefs or health status, nor should they comment on them. Our district understands and accepts there are many different reasons for individuals to mask or not mask and is committed to the safety and well-being of everyone. Masks will be available at each school in the event a student becomes symptomatic or needs to visit the health clinic.
For young children, please let teachers know your wishes and they will do their best to reinforce them. Our educators will discuss the change with students in a developmentally appropriate manner, including how to respect others’ personal choice. If your child(ren) expresses any anxiety, please feel free to reach out to our school counselors or psychologists for support.
We thank you for your continued flexibility as we navigate this pandemic together. We know you likely have many questions about this announcement, and we are anticipating receiving additional information from public health officials in the coming weeks. We will continue communicating with you as we learn about changes to the guidance for our district.
Feb. 29, 2022 - Public Health-Seattle King County Mask Requirements
Hello Vashon Families,
Yesterday, Gov. Jay Inslee announced that Washington state is lifting its indoor mask mandate on March 12 and not March 21.
The masking requirements will be lifted at 11:59 p.m. on March 11 and come as a result of the latest guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released last week.
King County announced that it would also be ending its mask mandate at 11:59 p.m. on March 11.
“We’ve continued to monitor data from our state Department of Health (DOH), and have determined we are able to adjust the timing of our statewide mask requirement. While this represents another step forward for Washingtonians, we must still be mindful that many within our communities remain vulnerable. Many businesses and families will continue choosing to wear masks because we’ve learned how effective they are at keeping one another safe. As we transition to this next phase, we will continue to move forward together carefully and cautiously," Inslee said in a statement
Until March 12th, masks will continue to be required for all students, staff, and visitors in all Vashon Island School District buildings.
Yesterday, VISD sent an email regarding state mask requirements and the recent announcement from Governor Inslee. The email referenced the local health department’s authority over final decisions. Later in the day, Public Health Seattle King County (PHSKC) sent a release to area school districts. At this time, they are requiring schools to follow current guidance. They will also be monitoring the weeks ahead and will be providing any necessary guidance updates to King County schools. As always, we will be following that guidance, whether it requires masks or no masks.
Please see the full release from PHSKC:
Dear School and Child Care Sector Partners,
Washington state sets school policy statewide. Local jurisdictions and school districts also have authority to establish measures to control the spread of infectious diseases, such as mask regulations. At this time, Washington state requires indoor masking, including in K-12 schools and child care settings.
We will continue to communicate upcoming changes to any guidance through our sector emails.
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends universal masking for all teachers, staff and students in the K-12 setting, especially during times of high community COVID-19 prevalence. The Washington Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics (WCAAP) supports the national AAP position that universal masking for K-12 settings and for children over the age of two and staff in childcare settings is the safest and preferred option at this time.
Over the next several weeks, and leading up to March 21, when the state masking order for schools and child care is lifted, we will be reviewing data on disease trends locally, continuing to assess the guidance from national expert bodies including the CDC and the American Academy of Pediatrics, and talking with school and child care partners to help inform local decisions about mask requirements.
In the meantime, the WA State Department of Health K-12 Schools Requirements 2021-2022 and Child Care Guidance 2021-2022 remain in effect. The Public Health – Seattle & King County School and Child Care COVID-19 Task Force will continue to support you and answer questions about these changes to the best of our ability.
Thank you,
Public Health-Seattle & King County
COVID-19 School & Child Care Task Force
Feb. 18, 2022 - VISD Community Update - Mask Requirements
Hello Vashon Families,
I am writing to share important information about the mask requirements in our schools.
Yesterday, Governor Jay Inslee announced that the statewide indoor mask requirement for Washington state, including in our K–12 schools, is scheduled to end on March 21, 2022. Once the statewide requirement is lifted, masks will not be required. Masks will still be required on school buses per a federal mandate that requires masks to be worn on all forms of public transportation.
Until March 21, masks will continue to be required for all students, staff, and visitors in all Vashon Island School District buildings. Please remember that our District and our Board of Directors do not have local control over this matter. We are legally required to follow the Governor’s directive, which currently requires masks in school buildings.
Public health modeling indicates that cases and hospitalizations from COVID-19 will continue decreasing over the coming weeks, dropping to rates similar to last summer. The decision to remove the statewide mask requirement was based on the best science and research available, as well as our experience and preparation to continue combatting this virus.
Across the state, school districts have prepared for these changes over the past two years with:
- A COVID-19 vaccination requirement for all school employees,
- Vaccinations for individuals ages 5+ widely available,
- One of the most robust school COVID-19 testing systems in the country,
- Improved ventilation systems, and
- A well-researched understanding of self-mitigation protocols.
Once the statewide mask requirement lifts, without a new requirement from our local health department, masks will become optional in our school buildings.
Students will have the choice to wear a mask at school, with the expectation that others’ choices will be respected. One should not make assumptions regarding someone’s beliefs or health status, nor should they comment on them. Our district will not tolerate harassment, intimidation, or bullying of any kind for those who choose to continue wearing masks.
For young children, please let teachers know your wishes and they will do their best to reinforce them. Our educators will discuss the change with students in a developmentally appropriate manner, including how to respect others’ personal choice. If your child(ren) expresses any anxiety, please feel free to reach out to our school counselors or psychologists for support.
We thank you for your continued flexibility as we navigate this pandemic together. We know you likely have many questions about this announcement, and we are anticipating receiving additional information from public health officials in the coming weeks. We will continue communicating with you as we learn about changes to the guidance for our district.
Slade McSheehy
Oct. 29, 2021 - COVID-19 Testing Center for VISD Staff and Students
Dear Vashon Families,
First, we are very pleased to introduce our new COVID-19 Testing Coordinators, Lara McKnight and Melissa Aguirre-Lopez. They are both new to the district and are happy to join the VISD team.
Second, we are excited to announce the launch of VISD’s COVID-19 testing site on Monday, November 1. During our initial two week pilot period, the site will be open Monday–Friday, 7:00-11:30 am. We are hoping to open afternoon hours either the second or third week after the launch. We are offering rapid diagnostic testing for VISD staff and students only. The testing site is located at Student Link, in the south end of the building. It is a drive-thru and walk-up site. Please enter the parking lot from SW 204th St.
No appointments are needed; tests will be administered on a first come first serve basis.
More details about the site and tests available are on a fact sheet here.
Minor students must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.
While Lara and Melissa will be working as a team, we have divided primary contact responsibilities as follows:
- CES: Lara McKnight lmcknight@vashonsd.org
- McM/VHS - Melissa Aguirre-Lopez maguirre-lopez@vashonsd.org
If you have questions, please contact the VISD Covid Testing Coordinators directly or your building principals (School COVID-19 Coordinators).
Aug. 19, 2021 - Letter from Superintendent: Parent and Family Q&As
August 19, 2020
Hello again Vashon Families,
(la traducción al español sigue el)
We are wrapping up our last week of a very successful Summer Learning Academy. Students have been engaged in activities focused on academic growth as well as exploring new experiences such as building guitars and cooking scones. While we haven’t been able to always see the smiles behind their masks, we have heard their laughter!
As VISD reopens our school buildings this fall for full-time, in-person learning, we believe we all share these two primary goals:
- Protecting and maintaining the health and safety of our students, school employees, and their families within our school buildings; and
- Maintaining a continuity of learning for students and minimizing disruptions due to quarantine or school building closures.
VISD is committed to following the following guidance from Washington State Department of Health and Washington State Department of Labor and Industries:
In addition to these important documents, we would like to share a Parent and Family Q & A document that will be helpful in understanding many of the details of our plans for safely returning to full time in person learning.
Link: VISD Parent and Family Q & A 2021-2022
If you are interested in learning more about our school year opening, we are hosting two Parent and Family Zoom sessions on Wednesday, August 25th. Principals, nursing services staff, and the superintendent will host an hourlong information and Q & A session for attendees.
Chautauqua Elementary School Zoom, 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.:
McMurray Middle School/Vashon High School Zoom, 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.:
Lastly, the Vashon Medical Reserve Corps and VISD are partnering once again this school year. We would like to remind everyone to stay safe during times of high transmission by limiting contacts to the extent possible, wearing a mask in the outdoors when in large groups, and keeping students who have symptoms of illness home away from school. The Vashon Island Community has an outstanding record of maintaining safety protocols so we can keep schools open and safe for our students and staff. Thank you so much Vashon!
Best regards,
Dr. McSheehy19 de agosto de 2020
Hola de nuevo, familias de Vashon,
(la traducción al español sigue el)
Estamos terminando nuestra última semana de una academia de aprendizaje de verano muy exitosa. Los estudiantes han participado en actividades enfocadas en el crecimiento académico, así como en la exploración de nuevas experiencias como construir guitarras y cocinar bollos. Si bien no hemos podido ver siempre sus sonrisas, ¡hemos escuchado su risa!
A medida que VISD reabre nuestros edificios escolareseste otoño para el aprendizaje en persona a tiempo completo, creemos que todos compartimos estos dos objetivos principales:
- Proteger y mantener la salud y la seguridad de nuestros estudiantes, empleados escolares y sus familias dentro de nuestros edificios escolares. ; y
- Mantener una continuidad de aprendizaje para los estudiantes y minimizar las interrupciones debido a la cuarentena o el cierre de edificios escolares.
VISD se compromete a seguir la siguiente guía del Departamento de Salud del Estado de Washington y el Departamento de Trabajo e Industrias del Estado de Washington:
en Además de estos importantes documentos, nos gustaría compartir un documento de Preguntas y Respuestas para Padres y Familiares que será útil para comprender muchos de los detalles de nuestros planes para regresar de manera segura al aprendizaje en persona a tiempo completo.
Enlace: Preguntas y respuestas para padres y familias de VISD 2021-2022
Si está interesado en aprender más sobre la apertura de nuestro año escolar, estamos organizando dos sesiones de Zoom para padres y familias el miércoles 25 de agosto. Los directores, el personal de servicios de enfermería y el superintendente organizarán una sesión de información y preguntas y respuestas de una hora para los asistentes.
Zoom de la escuela primaria Chautauqua, 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm:
Escuela secundaria McMurray / Zoom de la escuela secundaria Vashon, 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm:
https: / /us02web.zoom.us/j/84268172698
Por último, Vashon Medical Reserve Corps y VISD se están asociando una vez más este año escolar. Nos gustaría recordarles a todos que se mantengan seguros durante los momentos de alta transmisión limitando los contactos en la medida de lo posible, usando una máscara al aire libre cuando estén en grupos grandes y manteniendo a los estudiantes que tienen síntomas de enfermedad en casa lejos de la escuela. La comunidad de Vashon Island tiene un historial sobresaliente en el mantenimiento de protocolos de seguridad para que podamos mantener las escuelas abiertas y seguras para nuestros estudiantes y personal. ¡Muchas gracias Vashon!
Saludos cordiales,
Dr. McSheehy