- Vashon Island School District 402
- Multi-tier System of Supports
Multi-Tier System of Supports (MTSS)
MTSS is a school-based, multi-level prevention system to maximize student achievement and reduce the frequency, duration and intensity of disruptive behaviors.
The four essential components of MTSS, as outlined by the Center on Multi-tiered System of Supports, are:
Multi-tier System of Supports:
Effectively identify students needing additional instructional, social or emotional support and monitor student progress using multiple data points.Desired outcomes:- Ensure success for each student in every classroom and/or class
- Ensure all students graduate from high school ready for the future they imagine
How this is achieved:
- Emphasis on universal design for learning
- Teachers use data to inform and guide instruction
- Formative assessments are routinely used to measure student progress
- Teachers share data and troubleshoot within their Professional Learning Community (PLC)
- Develop instructional interventions and performance monitoring for students who struggle whether academically, emotionally or with social/behavioral difficulties
- Develop a consistent K-12 system with three tiers of intervention, well-coordinated with common tools between schools/programs